Billy and Scooby’s tragic story is one of pure heartbreak, which we’d like to share with you below in the way we think they would have written it if they could have:

” Our names are Billy and Scooby, we were both rescued by our KIND, WONDERFUL human Mummy Norma who had retired from the UK to Bulgaria.

Mummy Norma rescued us about 18 months apart when we were thrown at separate times into the same local river near her village to drown.

Mummy Norma took us home and cherished us, I Billy soon became besotted with Scooby as she was older than me and decided she was my best friend and I became her shadow and I Scooby loved little Billy from day one.

We also had an older doggie sister called Sparky who Mummy Norma had also rescued and our family was complete. Our life together was very special, we had love, comfort and safety, the three of us were adored by Mummy Norma.

Then disaster struck our little family, a disaster of horrendous proportions :'(  Our Mummy Norma disappeared, we were alone in our home for many days without food or water.

Nobody knew this at first and we were all so sad but then the reason why we had been left alone was discovered :/ Our beautiful, kind Mummy Norma had been brutally murdered, she was taken away from us by another human who she trusted.

Suddenly our lives were turned upside down :/   Where would we go? What would happen to us in this cruel country? Sparky was very old and frail, she didn’t cope well and we watched her pass away :'( We have now lost our sister and our Mummy Norma :/

We now, Billy and Scooby have to find a new home together and have been told this will happen and we will never be parted.

PLEASE help us! love Billy and Scooby ♥ “

When we heard about poor Billy and Scooby’s plight here at K9 Rescue, we quickly offered our help to Norma’s family and thanks to incredibly kind sponsors, transported them both last month from Bulgaria into private kennels in the UK. With our desire to keep them together after all they’ve been through, it’s going to be a challenge finding a lovely home for 2 dogs together especially during the summer holiday season, so we are in desperate need of further sponsors for their weekly kennelling costs of £154 GBP per week.

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PLEASE help us provide for Billy and Scooby until a home for them as a pair comes along!

Thank you so much ♥