This is little Cheri, just a baby still but her life has been horrendous this far. Cheri was found living on the streets of Bulgaria on 12 May 2014 unable to walk, dragging her legs behind her. At first it looked like she had been hit by a car, but upon examination a bullet wound was clearly visible, and x-rays confirmed a bullet lodged firmly in her spine, causing her paralysis. Vets recommended she have surgery immediately to remove the bullet, which was hugely successful, as only 2 weeks later, Cheri started to regain some movement in her legs!

Now, Cheri has started to take her first steps and we are sure along with her surgeons, that with therapy she will walk again! And we have even greater news, Cheri has now been offered fantastic foster care in the UK but we need to get her there.

Her transport costs are £220 ($375 / €275) Cheri’s therapy will also be a further £50 ($85 / €62) a session.

Please, PLEASE help this little sweetheart to travel to love at last?

Currency: Amount:

Thank you so much from K9 Rescue and Cheri ♥

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