Yesterday we shared with you the story of little Roshi, who we saved from the Seslavtsi Municipal Isolator. During the filming of the Borko Campaign 4 Change documentary, our Michelle spotted Peaches cowering at the back of a kennel, yet her face didn’t look ‘quite right’ so she asked the resident vet about her. The vet explained that they were treating her for mange without success as they have very limited veterinary facilities at the premises. So we of course asked to take her to our clinic, and little Peaches, so named by our lovely Patron, Lorraine Chase, was the next ‘escapee’ from Seslavtsi!
[youtube height=”315″ width=”560″][/youtube]
At the clinic it was clear Peaches was severely emaciated suffering from muscle atrophy and in addition to the mange, tests revealed that Peaches also has pneumonia and low immune system, so in the coming weeks she will be treated for both. Her road to recovery will be a long one, as with Peaches being incredibly fearful, the vets at the Isolator considered her aggressive, so handled her with catch poles, so her trust in humans has sadly been destroyed. She is safe now and receiving the proper care that she needs, which is what matters most… and now, only a week later, she has found her voice and is barking at “intruders” into the kennel area… something she would never have dared do at the Isolator, so huge leaps of progress have already been made!!
Persistent mange like this will take several months to cure properly, so her clinic costs will be considerable. Please help us with little Peaches clinic costs if you can, we would be very, very grateful. Our costs are rising by the day and without your help we are struggling.
Thank you from K9 Rescue and Peaches ♥
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