Every dog is special, they are all individual and wonderful in their own special way, this is why we at K9 rescue strive to save and help as many of these wonderful dogs as we can.

Every once in a while a very special dog comes along to all of us and to me this happened in November 2012, his name is Lucky.
Lucky our own Miracle dog followed by the world and loved by thousands.  For those who don’t know Lucky please meet him on his dedicated fan page:  https://www.facebook.com/LuckysFightForLife

The only way I can describe Lucky and his rescue is by speaking from my heart. So here we go….

I first saw a plea for help with Lucky on my homepage. He had been run over and left for dead with many, many serious injuries, he was in a critical state. So much so I don’t think many rescues would have taken him on because of the vast commitment and costs involved. BUT I could not ignore him, his eyes spoke to me, I seen something in him immediately which told me he was special, he wanted to live. I seen in him a gentleness that was all consuming for me.

I was not proved wrong, Lucky has since shown an empathy that is mind blowing. His fight for life is an inspiration, his kindness to all beings is a story that holds no bounds.

Our very special boy is in foster in the UK waiting for an adoption offer from an equally special family. A family Lucky has been waiting for, a family I have been waiting for…

Please share his video to help us get him that special home he so deserves, and if you can, please click on the Paypal Button to help us with his medical and rehabilitation bills… ♥

Thank you!
Jayne Jones, K9 Volunteer and of course Lucky! ♥


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