Sweet adorable Lori has languished for more than a year in the cold, damp corner of a disused building, terrified and suffering from mange. A kind lady dedicatedly fed her, yet could not help her off the streets, until Lori’s plight was highlighted on the social networks and we saw her appeal. We of course had to help, and had her transferred immediately to our clinic in Sofia, where she has been treated for Malassezia dermatitis – a form of yeast infection of the skin and low immune system.
When Lori arrived at the clinic she was terrified of human touch, yet day by day this precious little girl began to trust and enjoy people. After just 3 weeks of loving care, she is now a total bundle of joy, love and kisses! ♥ Lori is a big favourite of everyone who meets her and she has so much love to offer.
If anyone can help us with Lori’s clinic costs, we would be very, very grateful. Please use the donate link below, thank you! ♥
And if anyone would like to adopt or foster little Lori, please contact us! Thank you ♥
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