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Sweet, gorgeous little Bobi, our very special little man who has an absolute joy in everything his new life is offering him. His previous life on the streets of Bulgaria was one of misery and abuse. Then he came to us, we knew that this happy, loving little guy had a bright future, one filled with love and care. Sadly as you all know, once in the UK his life was again in danger, as vets said he had no future, no quality of life; it was deemed his best option was to be euthanized.

Thanks to so many friends, Bobi was saved for the second time… AND Bobi has since proved BEYOND DOUBT that he wants to live, he has proved his joy and sheer love of life.

Please watch our little one run on the beach. Watch his excitement, his curiosity and playfulness.

Bobi is continuing to have various therapies to help strengthen his legs and prevent them from contracting again. He is already gaining more movement in his legs and tail, and there is a small possibility he can regain even more movement in them, perhaps even be able to stand up and take small steps in the future.

Can you help us raise the funds needed to continue the therapies for Bobi’s legs? Watch the latest video of Bobi in his cart above and see for yourself that this is one dog that absolutely loves the gift of life, every waking minute!

Bobi’s therapy costs are an additional £30 / $50 per session.  But what price Bobi’s life?


See  the progress Bobi’s therapy has already achieved gaining nerve reaction, movement and lengthening the contracted tendons!…

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See our Little Bobi, running so proud with his big brothers!…

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If anyone would like to help with gifts of more bandage and other supplies, please go to Bobi’s wish list here:

Thank you so much from Bobi and K9 Rescue!  ♥

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