We had an emergency call this month from a Spanish rescue to help them with their disabled dog Brownie, whose adopter in the UK could no longer care for him.  We immediately found an emergency foster home for him, and started our usual disabled dog rehabilitation programme of fresh whole raw foods and homeopathy.

The response from Brownie was almost immediate!  His digestive issues and diarrhoea so typical of many disabled dogs resolved instantly and the nerve responses in his legs started to improve on a daily basis.  And now, less than 2 weeks later, Brownie is trying to stand up on 3 legs, putting some weight on his back left leg!

Brownie is such a determined young boy, and has demonstrated just how much he wants to walk again, that we just can’t leave it at that.  We HAVE to give him the chance to really walk again, and we can do that with some intensive physiotherapy.

And so, once again, We Need Your Help! Each physiotherapy session costs £50 / $85 / €62 and he will need several months of therapy.

Please help us raise the funds we desperately need to provide Brownie with the therapy to get him walking again…

We beg you PLEASE to help… Brownie is such a funny, joyful character, with such desire to walk, please help us to give him this very real chance…


Thank you so much from K9 Rescue and Brownie! ♥

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