We were approached in March to help Baby Taz who is originally from Romania. Taz was in a very serious road accident and is now crippled. Sadly by the time he arrived to his wonderful foster home with a British family living in Bulgaria, his injuries were past any help, so all we could do was heal the wounds to his legs with some manuka honey and natural care.
We are sure if he had arrived earlier that we could have got him walking again, yet his injuries were months old and our vets could sadly do nothing. Taz is an adorable little puppy who has a huge zest for life even though he has suffered so much in his short little life. He always has a smile for everyone, he adores playing and is quite unaware of his disablement.
And now that his wounds are fully healed just 2 months later, we are thrilled to tell you that Taz’s dream has come true with the offer of a loving home in Germany!
So we URGENTLY need to raise his transport costs of 265 Euro’s which includes the costs to get him across Bulgaria in a taxi to meet his trans-European transport.
Please help us to get this adorable little man to his forever home!
Thank you so much from K9 Rescue and Taz ♥
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