
With so many dogs on the streets of Bulgaria, and it impossible to save all but the very needy, many rescuers whose homes are already over-flowing with dogs, look after a number of community dogs with feeding, neutering and vaccinating with some even holding a EU passport, just in case that offer of a home comes along.

Blondie, is one of those community dogs, yet her life took a terrible turn this week, when her carer found her poisoned with suspected antifreeze.

She is now in a clinic fighting for her life, with her creatinin and phosphorus levels crazy high and her kidneys shutting down, her veterinary bills are sky rocketing, yet Blondie is a fighter, and today greeted us for the first time, she has such a strong will to live.

Please help us to help her – with your help she can have a chance – we don’t yet know if it is even going to be possible to save her, yet we owe it to Blondie and her determination to live, to at least try.

Please give what you can – just a few dollars really will make all the difference.

Thank you!